It’s the third day of a new decade and a new year, and the expectation is that with the end of the holidays, it’s time to get SERIOUS.
I plan to comply with that – to a point. But the older I get, the more I realize that life is too short to be SERIOUS ALL THE TIME. Especially since the time I have left is getting shorter every new year.
My husband and I spent the entire holiday with my sister and her family. We always enjoy time with each other celebrating the New Year – but in 2019, Linda and I decided to indulge in a longtime dream of ours: to check in to a luxury hotel for Chanukah and Christmas, where we could drink, dine, relax, and be waited upon.
I’ll be writing about that experience in another post. I only bring it up because (a) it was everything we dreamed of and (b) we spent an unprecedented 10 days together, along with most of our adult children.
Carpe Diem and The Gift of Going Analog
My Chanukah gift to my sister was an electric wine preserver. She gifted me with this:

Yeah, it’s an old-fashioned, paper-and-pencil annual planner – something I have not used since I bought my first Palm Pilot. But this one’s got a profane twist that makes it fun to use.
And I started thinking: I am not one for making resolutions, but truly do want to work on myself this year so I can enjoy the time I have left.
When I was young, the simple act of taking pen to paper and actually writing notes was key to remembering them. These days, I have such a hard time remembering things… what if the problem is not so much a failing memory, but my reliance on doing everything digitally?
So as you can see in the photo, I am embracing my new planner and writing down my goals.
How’s it going so far?
Well, I did manage to fast before visiting the UCLA Health center to get those blood tests for my annual check-up later this month. But the timing didn’t work out to get to that morning WW meeting. And I don’t like to work out on an empty stomach.
So I got some breakfast and vowed to work on the rest tomorrow.
In the end, today was NOT my bitch. But maybe I was setting my goals too high? I mean, two out of four ain’t bad, right?
At least, I remembered…
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